So here we are 5 days away from the Houston Marathon, and no long runs. The .com WOD today was 800 M run for time 3 rounds. I did not do it, to wet out side and to much rain.
So instead Charlie Kirk and myself did a special WOD.
400 M run at a 10% incline
10 Pwr Cleans, into a Front Sqt, over head to the back back Sqt(bear complex)(80lb sandbag)
3 get ups right 3 get ups left (100lb bean bag)
10 KB Swings (80lb)
3x not for time
When I told them the WOD, the first thing they said was, "Treadmill". We had one hiding in a deep dark room of the box. Let me tell you running on a Treadmill at an incline at a set pace of 9.0 is DEATH, damn I think the second round we all went down to 8.8 and had to jump off for a few seconds, the last round we went to 8.0 and still had to jump off for a second.
I know what I need to work on.