Sunday, May 16, 2010

Paleo Chow

There is a lot of things I hear from people starting Paleo, or in their first couple weeks. Most of it is: I don't have enough energy, I'm tired, I'm hungry or it goes into what should I be eating, how much should I be eating?

Something every one needs to know is that your body is an equation. The trick is to find out which formula is the best so that you can get the best out put and recovery from your body. I'm not the smartest tool, but when it comes to this I will be the first to tell you, you must look at it like a Jr high science project. Take measurements and pictures of yourself. You need to take notes, you need to document what you eat and how you feel. Make sure you write down how you feel before the workout, during, after, when you go to sleep, and in the morning.

Once you have evidence of what your eating and how your feeling, you should be able to move things around. When I say things I mean, meal times, how much fat you eat or carbs you eat before or after the workout. Keep taking notes because its all going to come back to that. You should be able to go back and look at your notes and know what happens if you eat 3 blocks of fat 3 hrs before your workout or if I eat 4 blocks of carbs after my workout. How should I feel?

Every time some one ask me one of those questions, the first thing I say is "do you have a food journal", 99% of the time its no, but the funny thing is they say O OK I'll start one, and I tell them I'll look over it in a week. A week comes around and nothing not even a question. I know it takes time to input it into a journal, but if you want the results and don't just want to talk about them, then its what you need to do. I would be happy to go over anybodies food journal, don't bring me you personal journal or diary, because I might just put it on Facebook.

And to every one at Bayou City CrossFit, you have Jess there at the box. Use her, ask her questions, she loves talking about this.

What is you equation?

Bacon, Egg, Avocado and Tomato Salad go to

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